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Early Years Education is the foundation for lifelong learning…..every missed session is a missed learning opportunity.

In the early years children develop their social skills by playing together and making friends, so any absence can affect their friendship groups, and may make them reluctant to attend. 

Attendance is monitored by Andrea Cooper, our Head Teacher.  If your child's attendance falls below 90%  Mrs Cooper will speak to the parent/ guardian to ascertain if there is a problem or a need for support.  Attendance is recorded so please let us know why your child has missed a session. 

Children who have good attendance:

  • Make happy, sustained friendships with other children
  • Achieve well in our school
  • Are well prepared for Primary School  


If your child is poorly they need to stay at home until they are fully recovered before coming back to nursery.  This will help prevent the spread of infection.

If your child becomes ill at nursery then we will contact you or one of your emergency contacts so it is very important that these contact details are kept updated.