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How we Teach Reading

  • Books and reading are central to all that we do here at Staghills Nursery School and learning is regularly based around books immersing children in a language influenced by books.
  • We  immerse children in a language and print rich environment and we believe that this is the foundation to supporting children to read and to develop a love of reading.
  • Stories are read to children in a group session everyday as well as through the session within the provision or linked to a project or focus for learning.
  • Staff model reading and how to handle books with
    care. They teach the children vocabulary such as “cover, author and illustrator” and model how to turn the pages in the correct order and reading from left to right.
  • Children answer questions about the book. Through play the children learn to retell
    stories, join in with repeated phrases and sayings, talk about characters and recognise familiar words.
  • The children spend the majority of their time learning in continuous provision within our Nursery Environment. There are spaces to talk and communicate, displays, pictures and resources support children to initiate conversations. Books are carefully chosen to match children's current interests and are embedded within our continuous provision plans.
  • Our project work is frequently linked to a book, this may be a  story book or we frequently use non fiction books. 
  • Songs and rhymes are used to promote language and to develop an understanding of rhythm and rhyme. A core rhyme is planned for children to learn as part of the our short term planning and this is regularly shared with families.
  • Books and rhymes are used as the central part to planning our curriculum. A set of  ‘core books’ is used to support children to develop a love of books as well as ensuring that they learn new vocabulary.
  •  We plan a clear teaching structure for each book which supports every child to learn the story well,
    alongside developing the comprehension skills to be able to talk about characters and events.
  • New vocabulary for the children to learn, use and understand is planned for and taught to the children during Key Worker Time.