At Staghills Nursery School, the safeguarding of our children is the highest priority. Please view our school policies and guidance for parents/guardians in relation to safeguarding issues on pages below.
In order to keep our children safe at school, we: ensure that all our staff – through their induction and on going training – have a clear understanding of their responsibilities towards our children’s safeguarding
The DSL and DDSL have comprehensive training including:
- Safeguarding in Education
- Prevent
- Online Safety
- Data Protection
- Safer Recruitment
- FGM (Abuse linked to Faith or Belief)
- Single Central Record
- Child on Child Abuse
We ensure that we teach our pupils how to keep themselves healthy and safe – in and out of school
Staying Safe
We believe every child has the right to feel safe and loved. At Staghills Nursery we do are upmost to ensure children are safe.
As part of a rolling program we support the children to recognise staying safe in a developmentally appropriate way.
See our long term planning
We look at -
- NSPCC PANTS campaign
- Road Safety
- Fire Safety
- On-line safety
Through the curriculum we provide children with many experiences where we will support them to 'make choices' & 'risk assess'. Examples of these opportunities - Forest School, the Tool area, Cooking activities etc.
What to do if you have a concern about a child attending Staghills Nursery School
During school hours:
Contact school and speak to the Designated Safeguarding Leads, Andrea Cooper, Alia Akhtar and Joanne Waterfield on 01706 213303 .
Or if you are a young person, family member, carer, or member of the public and you want to discuss a child that you are worried about, or make a self-referral you can contact the: Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, contact in office hours is 0300 123 6720. Out of office hours : The Emergency Duty Team contact number : 0300 123 6722
- Out of school hours ........
If your concern is urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm, then contact the police on 999
Andrea Cooper Executive Headteacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead
Joanne Waterfield Teacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead
Alia Akhtar Teacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead
The Safeguarding Governor is Linzi Richardson
Information Sharing
We have an obligation to obtain necessary information from parents in advance of a child being admitted to school, including:
- emergency contact numbers
- the child’s special dietary requirements, preferences or food allergies the child may have
- the child’s special health requirements
- information about who has legal contact with the child; and who has parental responsibility for the child
We take confidentiality very seriously. Any information which we hold is treated as confidential and shared on a ‘need to know’ basis.